Those views of Etzel et al. (1997) coincide with the simple but all-embracing definitions of Davies (1998) and Arens (1996). For instance, while Davies states that “advertising is any paid form of non-personal media presentation promoting ideas/concepts, good s or services by an identified sponsor. Arens expressing almost the same view describes advertising as “the personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products (goods and services) or ideas by identified sponsors through various media”.From the foregoing, it could be concluded that the purpose of advertising is to createawareness of the advertised product and provide information that will assist the consumer to make purchase decision, the relevance of advertising as a promotional strategy, therefore, depends on its ability to influence consumer not only to purchase
but to continue to repurchase and eventually develop-brand loyalty. Consequently, many organizations expend a huge amount of money on advertising and brand management.A brand is a name given by a manufacturer to one (or a number) of its products or services. Brands are used to differentiate products from their competitors. They facilitate recognition and where customers have built up favorable attitude towards the product, may speed the individualbuyers through the purchase decision process.Individual purchasers will filter out unfavourable or un-known brands and the continued purchase of the branded product will reinforce the brandloyal behaviour. Without brands, consumer couldn’t tell one product from another and advertising then would be nearly impossible.
Television advertising plays an important role on changing the consumer behavior and also provides new patternsfor purchasing or using any type of goods and services.Television is one of the most recreation sources because of its audio-visual communication. Television(T.V.) enables the creative man to communicate by combining motion, sounds, words, color, personality and stagesetting to express and demonstrate ideas to large and widely distributed audience. T.V. advertisements usually play arole in either introducing a product or reinforcing the familiarity to the product and also convincing to purchase theproduct. Advertisements are among the most visible of the marketing strategy and have been the subject of a greatdeal of attention in the last ten to fifteen years. Advertisement cannot only change emotions but give subliminalmessage. Advertising today seems to be everywhere and ever present exerting a far reaching influence on the dailylives of people (Kotwal et al. 2008a). Advertisements develop self-concepts in order to induce purchase decisions.
TV Advertising is a vital marketing tool as well as powerful communication medium. The basic objective of anyadvertisement is to stimulate sales, direct or indirect by trying to make tall claims about product performance.
Nowadays, there is a competition among marketers to grab consumer attention. Firms generally try to increasedemand of goods or services by influencing customers’ preferences through advertising. Television advertisingemploys attention grabbing trick such as catchy and pleasing music, lyrics, Jingles, humor and repeated messages.
The impact of the advertisements is more on television than the print media or radio.
The research intends to appraise the impact of television advertising of house hold products on consumers brand preference.
The problem confronting the research is to appraise the impact of television advertising of household product on consumer brand preference/
1 To appraise the nature of advertising and television advertising
2 To determine what constitute consumer brand preference
3 To determine the impact of television advertising on consumer brand preference
The study shall provide an analysis of the impact of television advertising on consumer brand preference.
It shall also serve as an information repository on issues of television advertising and consumer brand preference.
H1 The level of consumption of house hold product is high
2 H0 The level of television advertising is low
H1 The level of television advertising is high
3 H0 The impact of television advertising of house hold product on consumer brand preference is low
H1 The impact of television advertising of house hold product on consumer brand preference is high
The study focuses on appraising the impact of television advertising of house hold products on consumer brand preference
Television is one of the most recreation sources because of its audio-visual communication. Television (T.V.) enables the creative man to communicate by combining motion, sounds, words, color, personality and stage setting to express and demonstrate ideas to large and widely distributed audience. T.V. advertisements usually play a role in either introducing a product or reinforcing the familiarity to the product and also convincing to purchase the product.
A brand is a name given by a manufacturer to one (or a number) of its products or services.Brands are used to differentiate products from their competitors. They facilitate recognition and where customers have built up favorable attitude towards the product, may speed the individualbuyers through the purchase decision process.Individual purchasers will filter out unfavourable or un-known brands and the continued purchase of the branded product will reinforce the brandloyal behaviour. Without brands, consumer couldn’t tell one product from another and advertising then would be nearly impossible.
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