The destruction impact of corruption in the live of nation throughout the world is acknowledged. Corruption is perhaps the most important factor that is impeding the accelerated socio-economic and political transformation of developing or fewer developing countries (LDCS) of the world. In fact, it is recognized by development scholars that the level of reduction in corruption has a very direct link to the level of economic development of nations in the worlds.
The advertising media and civil society groups has been identified as the two very important weapons to fight the scourage of corruption worldwide. In Nigeria, the independent press, by which we refer to the news papers and the news magazines, have been actively involved in checking the excesses of governments and as well as others in positions of authorities. The most focused and far-reaching war against corruption in Nigeria could be said to have started during the regime of the erst while president of Nigeria, Chief OlusegunObasanjo especially with the establishment of the two Anti-graft bodies. The Independent Corrupt Practices and related offences Commission (ICPC) and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
The establishment of two bodies provided great impetus for the press to perform the constitutionally ordained role effectively watching over the activities of the government so as to ensure efficient survive delivery. Despite the student criticism that the war was biased and the agencies were being used to witch-hunt enemies of the government, the press still provided great support to the anti-graft agencies in its activities.
A search through Nigeria newspaper and magazine in the last nine years of new democratic experiment shows that corruption and corruption related matters are among issues that take up sizeable percentage of spaces available newspapers and news magazines. Major Nigeria Newspapers usually carry between five to ten corruption related new stories per edition. Most of editorial opinions and news scourage of corruption and enthroning transparency in government business.
Since the inauguration of EFCC and ICPC as an anti-graft agent by the Act 2000. It has ever been saddled with the responsibility of preventing and fighting corruption.
However, much have been heard about EFCC and ICPC but little has been reported about those that have been prosecuted since 2000 and suspects on their watch list on a regular basis.
Corruption has eaten deep into the fabrics of many communities in the country and there is need to x-ray, the activities of the advertising media in fighting corruption through advertising.
1. To know whether advertising carries messages that discourage corrupt activities in OgbaEgbemaNdoni local Government Area.
2. To examine various advertising education and enlightenment messages to the general public.
3. To study challenges facing advertising in disseminating messages of corrupt activities of the Nigeria leaders.
4. To know whether advertising educate and enlightenment messages have reduced corruption in OgbaEgbemaNdoni Local Government Area.
1. To what extent does advertising messages discourage corrupt activities in OgbaEgbemaNdoni Local Government Area?
2. Does advertising educated and enlighten the general public on the effect of corruption on the national development?
3. Is there any challenges facing advertising in the corrupt activities of the Nigerian leaders?
4. Has advertising educative and enlightenment programme reduce corruption in OgbaEgbemaNdoni Local Government Area?
The research finding will benefit not only the mass communication student but also benefit advertising media practitioners and advertising agencies on how they can use advertising media to fight corruption in a society. It will also enable government the need to give enough freedom to perform their day-to-day activities.
In order to evaluate advertising press advertising media as a tool for fighting corruption in Nigeria, the scope of this study shall cover people in OgbaEgbemaNdoni Local Government Area.
ADVERTISING: This is the public promotion of an item, such as product, service, business or event in order to attract or increase the audience in it.
PRESS/ADVERTISING MEDIA: This is the various means of communication considered as a whole, such as the television, radio, newspaper and magazine organization, together with the personnel’s involved their production.
EFCC: Economic and Financial Crime Commission, it is one of the anti-graft agencies in Nigeria.
ICPC: Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission; it is one of the anti-graft corruption agencies in Nigeria.
FIGHT: To make vigorous efforts to oppose, resist or overcome something or somebody.
CORRUPTION: All forms of misappropriation usually money or property belonging to the general public or entity.
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