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1.0       Background of the Study


Shorthand has indeed came a long way from the days when dictation was taken by chipping symbols on making marks on day tables so many hundreds of years elapsed between each major changed in dictation and transcription methods and equipment that generation of communicators and transcribers have been secured in the knowledge that the tools of their trade once learned over the issue of shorthand skill in secretarial practice recent changes and researches conducted has revealed shorthand as a time consuming subject and any student in the department of office technology and management has to sit tight if he or she want to be successful on the course. Because of the belief that shorthand is a difficult subject fewer students are registering for this important subject, they had forgotten that shorthand is the rock on which secretarial practice is being built. Just like any other social science course shorthand is unique because it is the art of writing symbols tat respect sounds.


Making use the shorthand skill office practice as makes you to possess a number of marketable skills consequently, shorthand gives you a foundation on which to build still higher-level skills secretarial is been  derived from the word SECRETARIAL. Which in the literary means SECRET KEEPERS. Secretarial are persons who are being said by another persons and this can only he readable by a few secretary or one who has the of shorthand.


Shorthand utilization in schools is a practical of what us going to be used in business organization i e for making of shorthand dictation confidential matter notice of meeting and all other correspondence work. Thus the importance of shorthand to any office technology and management student cannot be over flogged the purpose of this research aims at exposed the students to one of the basic requirements that differentiates them from an ordinary typist, shorthand typist, or stenographer despite the automation era or age.


Lastly, under the introduction, the researcher will in one way or the other discuss on so many aspect of secretarial practice in connection with colleges and business organization.




1.1       Brief Historical Background of Case Study


Operation and the existence cannot be completed without mentioning Osun state college of Education Ila. The Oyo (now Osun state college of Education Ila was established as a campus of Oyo now Osun state college of Education Ilesa in 1979 by then military administrator of Oyo state Brigadier (Now Major General Paul Tarfa). The college started on the campus of the defunct Ila-orangun Progressive commercial college with Dr. S.O Omotoso as the Head of campus. The campus opened with is students and staff members three academic and that administrative the official opening ceremony was performed on the 25th September, 1979 by chief Ayantayo Ayandele then honourable commissioner for education.



1.2           Isaac Pitman, Historical Background, (London).The Pitman Press, Bath, 1837, p.v11.


After the discovery of pitman shorthand, in Britain, then came a new form of shorthand known as Gregg shorthand”. This was discovery in America and commonly, used by secretaries there. It was introduced in Nigeria at the late 18th century’s. many people have not been published on this as research is still on to invent a short-forms of the ABC shorthand” also discovered in America, this was not universally accepted but it was believed to be the simplest form of representing an outline which can be readable by a mediocre who does not have a knowledge of shorthand.





    1. The Development of Secretarial Profession

                The development of secretarial studies has been rampant in these 20th centuries schools have established locally and internationally.

Sir, Isaac pitman the originator of pitman shorthand has his own school in London and owns an examining body also. In London most especially, many secretarial studies oxford street, Rapid result London college, Garret college Southampton Training college Brighton, etc in existence. While in Nigeria the historical development of secretarial studies was first introduced by Roadside institute, but with limitation to shorthand and typewriting only.


It was then believed that this course is meant for people whose parents are financially  handicapped to send their children to secondary schools. So one notion is nursed, once you ounce on a typewriter, you are primary six holder and copy typist. With modern changes that western civilization has brought us. We have this course now being offered up to in Nigeria, universities while the PhD in secretarial science can be obtained in American Universities. The school is, which offer the course in Nigeria rangers from commercial secondary schools.





    1. Statement of Problem

                It has been observed by the researcher that shorthand usage in office practice cannot be over-emphasized, in spite of the modern office equipment problem


  1. Whether secretaries nowadays frequently make use of shorthand in the routine office task.


  1. Whether shorthand is till relevant in the modern office.


  1. Whether shorthand can still aid confidentiality of document as ICT facilities.





    1. Research Questions

(1)            Do secretaries in organizations rarely make use of shorthand due to    

                 Advancement in technology?


(2)            To what extent do secretaries make use of shorthand in their


           routine office tasks ?


(3)            To what extent do shorthand aid the confidentiality of document in


                 an organization ?












1.6           Purpose of the Study


To determine the extent at which shorthand skill has been utilized by modern secretaries. And also to determine the best method of utilizing shorthand skills by modern secretaries.




1.7           Scope of Study


This study is focused on the utilization of shorthand skill in modern secretarial practical. The scope is limited to College of Education Ila.




1.8    Significance of the Study 


The importance of this project is to enable secretaries to understand the usefulness of shorthand in their profession. This is expected to create favourable attitude in them, towards shorthand skill. And that they may, therefore give the best most especially “Time” top shorthand. Also to provide other necessary supports for the use of shorthand in our Polytechnics and Colleges of education both home and abroad. It is further hoped to enable the roadside typist, identify the type of requirement needed by him or her to become a secretary both public or confidential secretary, and that she will be better placed than an ordinary road typist.




1.9           Limitations of the Study


Due to inadequate time, the researcher was no able to go to more than the stated organizations.




1.10         Definition of the Terms


The following the term are used in this project.


Utilization: Ability to make good use of something especially in terms of shorthand writing


Secretary:  A secretary is someone who apart from the possession of good typewriting and shorthand skill also posses; good knowledge of secretarial duties, takes a lot of responsibility in an organization.


Practicing: The process of exercising a profession habitually in order to acquire more proficiency.


Modern: Something that is still in existence in present period of time.      






2.0           Introduction


The main objective of this chapter is to review relevant literature, the subject matter of this study.


The review is based on the information extracted from primary sources such as textbooks, newspapers, journals and individuals. The literature review will by analyzed under the following heading.




2.1      Origin of Shorthand


Shorthand as a body of typewriting is defines by Encyclopedia Americana “ an nay brief rapid method of writing that used principally in recording the spoken words, ordinarily by substituting characters or abbreviation for the conventional letters and words. Some of the methods of writhing have been discovered and used during the ancient an modern times.


 Shorthand is has old subject its development and use is parallel to the use of longhand. Though it is a shorter and dependable method of recording and communicating ideas.


Early modern use of shorthand: while there are various evidence of interest in shorthand during the 15th and 16th century, probably the first important steps towards the reformation of shorthand was taken by the English man Timothy Bright in 1588.




2.2           Classification of Shorthand


   (i)  Geometric Shorthand


              (ii)  Script Shorthand


              (iii) Script Geometric or Semi Script Shorthand


(i)             Geometric Shorthand: Is based on circles, parts of circles and straight lines placed strictly horizontally vertically or diagonally. The first modern shorthand systems were geometric. Examples include Pitman shorthand bonds syllabic shorthand, Samuel Taylor universal stenography e.t.c.


(ii)            Script Shorthand: Is based on the motion of ordinary handwriting. The first system of this type was published under the title cadmus Britanicus by Simon boldly in 1787. This class of system is now common in all more recent German shorthand system as well as in Austria, Italy Netherlands Russia and other eastern European countries.


(iii)           Script Geometric or Semi Script Shorthand: Is based on the ellipse is regular oral shape like circle it can be considered as a compromise between the geometric system and the script system. The most successful system of this type was the one introduce by john Robert Gregg in 1888.



2. 3          Factors That Contribute to Good Shorthand Performance in Shorthand Writing/Secretarial Practice


Leslie (1952) listed the following as factors that contribute to performance in shorthand writing.


(1)            Dedication, Concentration and Mental Alertness: The writing of shorthand calls for dedication total concentration and mental alertness. It is always the desire of any shorthand writer to make up with shorthand speed, and this can only be done through hard work.


(2)            Writing Neatly: The importance of writing neatly, accurate and legible shorthand outlines cannot be over-emphasized. A good shorthand teacher would have stressed this to his students from the beginning. Just as a bad handwriting in longhand, so we notice awkward shorthand are not corrected in good time, they will hinder speed develop in later year.


(3)            Accuracy In Shorthand Outlines: When inaccurate shorthand outlines are written naturally it will be difficult to transcribe or even to read back, needless to say, if shorthand outlines can not be read because it is wrongly written them all efforts exercised by the writer are wasted.


(4)            Position Writing: Shorthand rules must be observed, it is important to maintaining position writing. They must either be above the line, on the line or through the line, depending on the vocalization. If the outline is a contraction or a grammalogue one must observe the position allocated to it by the system.


(5)            Phrasing: The use of phrasing in Pitman shorthand my be an indispensable tool for high speed writing, but will not be ideal to look at phrasing as being difficult. Phrasing is easy to write. It would not ascend too far above, nor descend too far below the line. These are rules for phrasing which must be obeyed but there can be no limit to the number if phrase are capable of information so long as the rules of phrasing are brought to play by the writer. In fact, the skilled writer can easily be identified by the grateful and effortless manner with which he or she guides, and strokes his way with beautiful phrases.  


According to Ogungbemi (1994) “ There is no way a student could perform well in shorthand examination without mastering the fundamental principles of  English languages which is one of the three major tools of good shorthand transcription”. This could be done by mastering the spoken skills such as spelling use of  correct tenses, verbs and pronounce ability to punctuate and divide the body of a passage into paragraphs words constitution, for a shorthand writer to overcome the problems of sound and according to spellings, this implies that some words having different spellings similar sounds will be represented with  the same outline.


Punctuations to a large extent determine what meaning could be attached to a sentence. When dictating, the dictator would not be mentioning the punctuation mark, rather the candidate should listen to the way the dictator pauses, during the dictation such as full stop, comma, colon question marks, dash, exclamation marks and other punctuation marks as they may occur during the dictation through this, the candidate would be able to follow the punctuation marks in the dictation in shorthand


At a glance since shorthand and typewriting are twin arts. Ogungbemi (1984) asserts that it is necessary to note that before a candidate can perform well in shorthand examination, he or she should have a sound knowledge of not only shorthand but also of English language and typewriting.


He stated further that this is the reason why institution requires at least credit in English language from applications before admitting them for secretarial studies, business studies and other related courses.




2.4           Fundamental Difference Between Shorthand Characters and the Letters in Ordinary Writing and Printing Sir Isaac  Pitman (1837)


The original name given to Pitman shorthand has been briefly but accurately defined as the art of representing spoken sounds by character, a sound system of shorthand” here there is need to consider the alphabet of the language (shorthand) it is known that the usual alphabet of twenty-six letters cannot represent distinctly, characters of the thirty-six typical sounds of the English language. As a result many of the letters of that alphabet are of necessity used to represent different sounds. It shows that shorthand system of writing cannot be established on the common alphabet alone.




2.5    The Impact of Teachers In Secretarial Practice of Students Shorthand


‘Ogungbemi’ also asserts that most teachers either do not expose their studentship to transcribing their shorthand notes on the typewriter at all or the exposure is grossly inadequate and technically defective. By the time this students are asked to transcribe on typewriter in an examination they end up failing woefully. In order to minimize mass failure rate of candidates in shorthand examinations, teachers should ensure that they teach their students how to transcribe shorthand notes ion typewriters and see to it that the students practice it adequately. For this to be effective, the teacher should teach not only shorthand and typewriting but also the under mentioned points:



  1. Theoretical Background


  1. Skill Development

      (3)      Phrase gram

      (4)      Standard Passage Development


      (5)      Special Development


      (6)      Language Mastering


      (7)      Keyboard Mastering


      (8)      Encourage The Student


According to Encyclopedia Americana (1972), try as much as possible to explain the principles involved in a certain sign/symbols or stroke before demonstrating the way to write while in typewriting the students should be made, to understand the skills before they are introduced to practical aspects.


(i)             Skill Development: One of a great author in America of (1972) “ The teacher should also allow he students to use their initiative top do some tasks after explanation” Giving the student various exercises to drill could do this.


(ii)            Speed Development: According to Charles Worth (1969) Since subjects, typewriting and shorthand are based on speedwriting at a higher speed than the speed the students are expected to write while they should practice higher speed in typewriting and shorthand tool.


(iii)           Language Mastering: According to Ogungbemi (1984) “The teacher should mater his language when dictating this is because his language will influence the students performance when transcribing because of the teacher himself is not forth coming, it will greatly affect the students performance”.      


(iv)           Standard Passage: According to Oladunjoye (1994) “A teacher should always see that a standardized passage is dictated to the students”. Passages full of phrases intersections. Short forms and high syllabic intensity so that at the end of the day, students would have familiarized themselves with the standard that will enable them to perform effectively in examination.


(v)            Keyboarding Mastering: Drummond et al (1989) “ the teacher should make sure that the students should master the keyboard first before introducing them to practical aspects of typewriting.


(vi)           Encouragement: According to Charles worth (1969) “when student are given words of encouragement they put more effort to their work but if frightened it will greatly affect the students in copying with their studies.








2.6        Essentials of Shorthand Skill


                Still on the utilization of shorthand skill in office technology practice, it is expedient to say that there are some inevitable things a shorthand writer should know without his or her effort on the course may be deterred.




2.7           Method of Practicing Shorthand


(1)            Regular Practicing: At first particular attention should be given to the outlines but imperceptible the writing will become instinctive by practice, which should be regular and systematic. Practice of an hour a day it is better than two or even three hours every seconds. Practice in writing, and practice in reading both printed shorthand and you own notes will quickly give you confidence, which has its root in conscious ability to do the work required.


(2)            Resume Practice at an increased speed of ten words per minute, the same half an hour. Continue in the same method of reading being pursued at the end of each half-hour continues the same speeds each evening until the higher becomes moderately easy, but in writing and reading. Then begin at the higher speed and at the end of half an- hour increase it by ten words a minute. Read a portion of the notes which were taken a day or two previously to test your powers unaided by memory.


(3)            To start taking down some dictations within some groups for periods of five minutes, and with the insertion of none but necessarily vowels. After half an-hour practice, read back to the dictator a passage chosen by yourself and also one other, the choice of which should be left to him.


(4)            When a wrong outlines has been written, ignore it and go on. It may be corrected afterward lecture, it several outlines are wrongly written reduce the speed.


(5)            Aim at not more than two or three words behind the reader. After a time you should occasionally practice writing ten or a dozen words behind the reader, so as to acquire the power of doing so in emergencies. Ear and hand should work practically simultaneously in order to secure the best results


(6)            Concentration: Concentration upon the work in hand is necessary even when the art of note taking has been acquired for unless the general trend of the discourse id followed, together with the grammatical construction of the sentences, the transcript, owing to looseness of speech met with every where, will sometimes be indifferent and possibly misleading.


Special attention should be paid to the speaker tone of voice and any peculiarities of speech or manner which may render his meaning clear, though he may not express properly.


(7)            Punctuation In The Note Taking: Full stops should always be written. If at all possible because of the great assistance it gives the note-taker in the transcription of his notes. Dashes should also be inserted where possible in order to indicate where the speaker drops the principal sentence and goes off at a target and where he resumes it, if ever. The commas at the beginning and end of a parenthetical observation should be shown by a short space, the principal instance being where the noun and verb are separated as in the following sentence. “The soldier being tired after the long days March quickly fell asleep, in such a simple case as this is it is hardly necessary, but with long and involved sentenced it is of great assistance in analyzing their construction to be able at once to locate the verb, which will very often be the second or third word after the second space.




2.8           The Impact of English Language in Secretarial Practice


English language is am essential weapon for Office Technology and Management students without which know good grade in shorthand. All the principles learnt in English language are useful for shorthand and other fields where English language serves as a means of communication.


According to canning (1976) “Secretarial skill shorthand and typewriting are manifestation of English language the students command of it must play a part in the shorthand and typewriting learning process.


(1)            The fact that the English language contains many words which have a similar


consonant structure, was early recognized by the inventor of Pitman shorthand and provision was accordingly made in the system for the easy differentiation of these sword by distinguishing outlines, so that the writer or in the transcription of these similarly constructed words it is indeed. This inherent power of reality distinguishing similar word that makes Pitman shorthand at once legible and capable of being written with extremely rapid.


(2)            It will be found that the application of the ordinary rules of the system provides distinguishing outlines in the great majority of the case but where this is not so, distinction is obtained by the insertion of vowel or in a few case, by placing the outlines from its position or by writing a full outline instead of applying an abbreviation principle. In study the following list of outline the student should set to appreciate fully the reasons for the carious forms and positions. Where a line contains more than one word the first.



2.9                           Reasons for Poor Performance of Students in Shorthand


                In the sense that as old as the subject the learning process still poise a few difficult as there is nothing without its problem. Even the common “ABC” alphabets which used to be referred to as the simplest way of mastering English language can still poise of problems to anybody who has no knowledge of it or makes an attempt to master it.


                Shorthand is and will continue to be an interesting subject in office Technology and Management practice. Most of the people believe that failure is a stigma in any shorthand class. This is simply because of the notion that shorthand is a difficult subject without considering the necessary approaches towards learning the subject.




2.10         Problems Associated With Shorthand  



  1. The problems of correct transcription


  1. Lack of interest in the subject by the students


  1. The problems of short taking


(1)            The Problems of Correct Transcription: A student that want of achieve his/her aims and ambition must be able to transcribe what is written in shorthand into English language. Some students makes it difficult of how to write in shorthand talk less of transcribing into longhand


(2)            Lack of interest in the subject by the student in shorthand class/ lecture some student don’t have interest in attending the shorthand class because they thing that shorthand writing and transcription would contains two hands of working.


(3) The cause of the problem or short taking result from fear anxiety and lack of confidence in oneself, while that of transcription is incorrect written outline which might great difficult to discipliner for the writer coupled with one poor knowledge of English language.




2.11         Shorthand and Technology


According to Crank et al (1982): the position of shorthand in the electronic office should never be questioned. The advent of automation era has created a tremendous change on the way information is processed the computer, internet. Information Communication Technology (I.C.T) as replaced the standard typewriter. However, there has not been a change in the way information is pout into the system. Document still originate from three source longhand, voice recorders and face to face dictation.


                A lot of money has been spent in secretarial practical for automated equipment but there are few increase, in productivity this fall in productivity. Could be traced to the fact about 60 percent of the documents originates from handwriting face to face dictation done regularly increase productivity and when it is combined without the word processor productivity rises.




2.12         Overcoming Shorthand Stress


According to prince T.O Ayeni shorthand learning Techniques (2009) “A time of manual skills skilful hand of note books left hand preparing for and turning page this the problem, as student are no more holding important to the use of conventional shorthand notebooks. Ordinary big note can never do.


Ability to anticipate transcription by indicating dip


According to Sir Isaac Pitman (1837)


These include the following



    • Note taking


    • Unvocalized outlines


    • Position writing


    • Practicing the rules


    • Knowledge of outlines


    • Knowledge of contracted forms


    • Method of practice


    • Regular practice


    • Varied dictated


    • Punctuation in note taking


    • Reporting technical matter

Note Taking: the inexperienced writer may sometimes find it difficult in turning over the leaves of his notebook. The following method may be usefully adopted while writing on the upper half of the leaf introduce the second finger of the left hand between it and the next leaf, keeping the leaf which is being written on steady by the first finger and thumb.

While writing on the lower part of the page shift the leaf by degress, till it is about halfway up the book, and at a convenient moment, lift up the first finger and thumb, when the leaf will turn over almost of itself.


This is the best plan when writing on a desk or table. When writing with the book on the knee, the finger should be introduced instead of the second, and, leaf be moved up only about two inches. The finger should be introduced at the first pause, the speaker makes, or at any other convenient opportunity that present itself. Another method is to tale hold of the bottom left- hand corner of the leaf with the finger and thumb, and ion the bottom line being reached the leaf is lifted and turned over. Some reports prefer a reporting book the leaves of which turn over like the leaves with the let hand. Whichever form of book is used, the writer should confine himself to one side of the paper till the end of the book is reached, and then turn the book round and writer on the blank side of the paper, proceeding as before.




Unvocalised Outlines: The essentials of accurate note taking are rapid writing and facile reading. Vocalization being a great hindrance speed, phonograph from its beginning is so constructed that the necessity for the insertion of vowels is reduced to a minimum. By means of the principle of writing word in position, unvocalised outlines, which are common to two or more words are as readily distinguished, as are musical notes by means of the difference f place assigned to tem on the stave.




Position Writing: In speed practice, which should, of course, be pursued concurrently with the careful study of the advanced style as hereafter developed, the rules of position writing should be carefully observed. After a short time this will become automatic. Even unique outlines that may appear to be independent of position are rendered still more legible b being written in accordance with the position-writing rules. At first a few vowels may be inserted, in order to promote clearness and to enable the writer to acquire the power of vocalizing quickly when necessary. But efforts should be made from the onset to write the outlines clearly and in position, and to make those, rather than vocalization, the factors on which reliance is placed for accurate reading. When a fair seed in writing has been reached the student should avail himself of opportunities of reporting public speakers, vocalizing but littler even when there is ample time. So that the ability to dispense with vowels may be cultivated.




Practicing The Rules: Since perfect familiarity with the rules is essential to rapid writing, the aspirant for speed is advised to vary his dictation practice by writing from dictation the exercises which appear in ordinary type in the pages of the manual of first part of the instructor. There is an orderly development throughout the whole system, so that the advanced principles of abbreviation cannot be properly understood and instantaneously applies unless the elementary rules are understood and can be applied without hesitation.




Knowledge of Outlines: The reading of printed shorthand in advanced style is as important as writing practice, and should be practiced daily. It gradually gives an extensive knowledge of outlines and the power of readily unvocalised shorthand, as well as trains the student in the selection of the basic outlines, and also considerable expedites the arrival of the time when the omission of practically all vowels may be ventured upon.




Knowledge of Contraction Forms: It is impossible to lay too much stress upon the importance of an absolutely perfect knowledge of the grammalogues and contractions. It will be found that an ordinary piece of matter consist of about sixty percent and sometimes more of words, which are included in the lists of grammalogues and contractions, are given in the pitman shorthand instructor and key are word in common use, and the students should know them with such thoroughness that he can write them at almost any speed at which they can be dictated. The student cannot know the special word-forms to well. Fluency in writing an neatness in the formation of the forms will be increased in proportion as his knowledge grows, and the general style of his shorthand notes will improved as a result.




Method of Practice: To a great extent the student must judge for himself as tio his method of practice, but the following is recommend.


a.             Begin by taking down from, dictation, within your powers, for periods of five minutes, and with the insertion of none but necessary vowels. After half an-hours practice, read back to the dictator a passage chosen by yourself and also one other, the choice of which should be left to him.


b.             Resume practice an am increased speed of tem words per minute, the same half-an hour. Continue the same method of reading being pursues at the end of each half-hour. Continue the same speeds watch evening until the higher becomes moderately easy, both in writing and reading. Then begin at the higher speed and at the end of half-an-hour increase it by ten words a minute. Read a portion of the notes which were taken a day or two previously, to test your powers unaided by memory.


c.             Aim at not more than two or three words behind the reader. After a time you should occasionally practice writing ten or a dozen words behind the reader, so as to acquire the power of doing so in emergencies. Ear and hand should work practically simultaneously in order to secure the best results.


d.             When a wrong outline has been written, ignore the fact and go on. You may correct it afterwards at your leisure. If several outlines are wrongly written reduce the speed.


Regular practice: At first particular attention should be given to the outlines, but imperceptible the writing will become instinctive by practice, which should be regular and systematic. Practice of an hour a day is better than two or even three, hours every second day.


Practice in writing, and practice in reading both printed shorthand and you own notes will quickly give you confidence, which its root in conscious ability to do the work required.


Varied dictation: the subject matter taken down should be as varied as possible so that the writer’s vocabulary may be extended, but special regard should be had to the object for which the art is being acquired. As to the six of shorthand, that which is natural to the individual is the best for hem, but the writing should not be cramped. A free style is necessary and should be cultivated. It will add greatly to the legibility of the noted if the large circles, loops ad hooks are exaggerated in size. The pen should be held with only moderate pressure and the whole hand, poises lightly on the littler finger should more with it. The common tendency to write spreading outlines when writing at a high speed is distinctly bad. The immediate cause is mental stress partly induced by anxiety lest a word should be omission. It is obviously preferable to omit few outlines rather than to risk the legibility of many. If the possibility of an occasional omission is not a source of fear, and if there is confidence in the ability to record, at skill events the essential words of the seeker, the best chance is secured of recording everything. Even if something important has been left out, confidence must be maintained, or the rest of the note will suffer.


Concentration: concentration upon the work in hand is necessary even when the art of note-taking has been acquired, for unled the general trend of the discourse is followed, together with the grammatical construction of the sentences; the transcript, owing to looseness of speech wreath everywhere, will sometimes be indifferent and possible misleading.


Social attention should be paid to the speakers tone voice and any peculiarities speech or manner which may render his meaning clear, though he may not express properly


Punctuation in note taking: Full stops should always be written. If at all possible because of the great assistance it gives the note-taker in the transcription of his notes. Dashes should also be inserted where possible in order to indicate where the speaker drops the principal sentence and goes off at a target and where he resumes it, if ever. The commas at the beginning and end of a parenthetical observation should be shown by a short space, the principal instance being where the noun and verb are separated as in the following sentence: “the soldier, being tired after the loving day’s march, quickly fell asleep”. Ion such a simple case as this it is hardly necessary, but with long and involved sentences it is of great assistance in analyzing their constructing to be able at once to locate the verb, which will very often b the second or third word after the second space.


The following are examples: “The having discussed at length the arguments advanced by his opponent in the various speeches he had delivered during the week, earnestly urged this hearer not be influenced by specious promises”. And we are acting on behalf of the executive, who were of one opinion as to the necessity of prompt action in the matter, immediately issued a write against the offender and succeeded in gaining substantial damages.” As a corollary, it is obvious that a space should be left only where it has a define meaning a small space for a parenthesis or important comma, and a somewhat larger one for a full stop, if the stop cannot be written.


Reporting Technical Matter: where an engagement is expected for the reporting of highly technical address or for a meeting at which speeches or discussions on highly technical matter has to be reported, it is obviously advisable that the shorthand writer should prepare himself beforehand as well as possible. If he does not already possess a fairly good knowledge of the subject matter of the lecture or subject of discussion. Dealt with at which he is to exercise his professional skill, he should read up the subject so as to become more familiar with the terms which are likely to be used un connection with the engagement he has taken. Unless some such means are means are taken, it is likely that the shorthand writer’s work will be unsatisfactory, both to himself and his clients Pitman shorthand writer’s phrase box and guides have been compiled with object of furnishing assistance in the application of shorthand to technical matters, and technical reporting gives valuable advice and suggestions for those wishing to be successful in this special branch of the shorthand-writing profession.


Lee and Brower (1960) States that “many people debate the point whether shorthand is still a necessary tool in light of the widespread use of dictating and transcribing equipment most survey of business shows that secretaries must be able to take shorthand and use transcribing equipment opportunity that may be open. The factor that determines which medium is to be used is the preference of the individual executive, regardless of the size or type of office.


Hanna, Pophan and Tiiton (1978) states that “Dictation and receiving equipment is being used in many business offices to supplement or replace the taking of shorthand.     



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