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 Format: MS word ::   Chapters: 1-5 ::   Pages: 55 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis,Abstract  ::   1186 people found this useful

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1.0              INTRODUCTION


            A leader can be seen as one who occupies the highest position in a organization, influencing his subordinate to achieve group objectives in a give situation. This is to say that leadership is vested in the leader. According to Nwosu (1996) “Leadership is a managerial ability to accomplish group goals by working with and through the secretary who is sometimes referred to as partner to the Boss”

            The success or failure of any business organization is often times, determined by the manager’s leadership style. The productivity of an organization depends highly on the leadership style of the manager. The productivity of the secretary who is an integral part of the entire organization personnel is also affected by her manager’s leadership styles.

Nwagbara (1984) defines “Leadership as a function of the relationship between the leader, the follower, and the task situational characteristic”. In spites of the various definitions given by different authors, three important elements-the leaders, the subordinates and the goals or objectives stand out in the concept of leadership.

The leadership adopted by a managers determines the relationship that exists between him and the secretary, the extent of motivation of the secretary and level of productivity.

Ibekwe (1984) “Saw leadership style as a major factors in motivation of an secretaries”. A good leadership style motivates secretaries to and elicits desirable behaviour towards increase in productivity.

This research study is to unveil the effort of leadership style of manager on the secretary’s productivity in ANAMMCO. However, the relationship between the secretary and the manage is such that the secretary serves as his representative, a partner, memory, and as link between the manager and public. She slid in fulfilling the part of the plans allocated to he, ad expected to willingly cooperate in any way, which will promote the success of the organization.


It has often be said that good leaders productivity of the workers or followers. This assertion prompts the writer to investigate the leadership styles in ANAMCO and how it influences the secretary and he productivity.

1.3              OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY

The objectives of the study are as follows.

1.                  To examine the effects of managers leadership style on the secretary’s productivity in ANAMMCO.

2.                  To identity the leadership style adopted by managers in ANAMMCO.

3.                  To determine whether organization influences manager’s leadership style.

4.                  To find out the factors responsible for the type of leadership style adopted by managers in ANAMMCO.

5.                  To find out the extent to which manager’s leadership styles affects the performance of secretaries in ANAMMCO.


In carrying out this research work, the researcher limited it to Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company Enugu (ANAMMCO). The company was used in order to collect information that could not cross the area of variation on the topic and also this was in an attempt to make the study easy to co-ordinate.


1.                  What is the effect of manager’s leadership style on the secretary’s productivity in ANAMMCO?

2.                  What are the leadership styles adopted by manager’s in ANAMMCO?

3.                  Does organization influence the leadership style of manager’s?

4.                  To what extent does manager’s leadership style affect the performance of secretaries in ANAMMCO?

5.                  What are the factors responsible for the type of leadership style adopted by manager’s in ANAMMCO?


            The finding out recommendation of the study will be of immense benefit to organization, secretaries, and managers some of the government agencies.

            On the other hand secretaries will benefit from this study because it will enable them to be more productivity and efficient in the discharge of their duties.

            Government agencies will benefit form the findings of this study since it shows the best leadership style to adopt.


            In this kind of study, there is a need for definition of the key word’s. This is very important when one considers the fact that some of the terms may mean different things to different people.

1.                  Managers- These are executives who, by their position in a business enterprise, a government agency. A club or organization, lead and direct affairs of the organization in which they work.

2.                  Productivity- This is the output of a worker, his efficiency measured in terms of what he can do physically or mentally, depending on the nature of his assignment or function.

3.                  Anammco- This is an acronym of Anambra Motors Manufacturing Company.

4.                  Leadership- Leadership is the ability a person has to influence others to work toward goods.

5.                  Secretary- Here, a secretary is ansecretaries in an office, who deals with correspondent for a particular member of the staff.

6.                  Employer- A person or Company that employs people.

7.                  Organization-It involves stating out the formal structure to authority and flow of work, it is also the supervision and control of the personnel.

8.                  Secretaries- These are personnel who are engaged to work in a organization, be it a private enterprise, parastatal government ministry, etc.

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