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 Format: MS word ::   Chapters: 1-5 ::   Pages: 74 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis,Abstract  ::   125 people found this useful

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This research examined the parking needs and provision in Urban areas (a case study of Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos). The survey research was used in this study to sample the opinion of respondents. This method involved random selection of respondents who were administered with questionnaires. Relevant conceptual, theoretical and empirical literature was reviewed. The target population of the study comprised selected residents in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos State, Nigeria. The questionnaire administered was three hundred and ten (310) copies and three hundred copies (300) retrieved which constitute the sample size. The descriptive and analytical approach was adopted using Chi-square to test and analyze the hypotheses earlier stated.  The result revealed that there is a significant effect of poor parking on the congestion of the Urban areas in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos. The finding of the study also reveals that Urbanization and increased motorization is one of the causes of poor parking in Urban areas of Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos State. The findings of the study also reveal that there is a significant relationship between parking space and incidence of accident in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos, Nigeria. The finding of the study also reveals that Vehicular Density is one of the causes of poor parking in Urban areas of Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos State. The findings of the study reveal that validation of parking for the specific time is one of the policies that can help reduce parking need problems in Validation of parking for the specific time in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos. It was therefore concluded that poor pacrking significantly have effect on the congestion of the Urban areas in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos. It was suggested that the various state governments controlling most of these cities affected by congestion should encourage the use of reliable mass transit buses to reduce the number of vehicles on their urban roads.




    1. Background of the Study

The world's population is always growing, and towns and cities have developed around their public transportation systems. By increasing automobile ownership and the demand for travel for various purposes, it has been possible to accommodate the growing population and developing urban areas (Ede et al., 2015). No matter their level of wealth or social standing, individuals now travel in increasingly challenging and, for some, terrible conditions.With a city or town getting bigger, demand for transportation and travel intensity tends to rise quickly, especially when the city center or other important centers of activity keep expanding in terms of population and employment(Osuba, 2012).

        Due to the numerous risks created by people or a lack of parking structures, parking in public places can be very difficult and without much security. Ample parking facilities must be provided to meet the demand for parking in order to reduce parking stress and any danger or insecurity to cars and owners.

        According to research findings by the Department of Transport Management Technology at the Federal University of Technology in Minna, Nigeria, parking issues and traffic management problems in Nigeria that cause delays and traffic congestion are caused by insufficient parking space, poor enforcement of traffic signs and signals, indiscretion, and the encroachment of illegal activities at car parks, among other factors (Osuba, 2012).Parking management, parking design standards, parking control, pedestrian and vehicular traffic management, land use and development, and statutory agency enforcement of regulations and bylaws were all recommended.

Today, the automobile is the primary mode of transportation in the majority of the world's countries, including Nigeria, where the average family owns at least one vehicle. This has resulted in numerous transportation and traffic issues within cities and between cities, and the difficulty of parking in large venues like churches and shopping malls is starting to become a major problem. Through the design and construction of multi-story parking garages, engineers and architects have discovered a technique to increase the number of parking places while using a less amount of land.This is consistent with the global tendency in modern cities to create high-rise structures in order to address issues like urban overpopulation, make the best use of limited land resources, serve as a status symbol, etc(Ede, 2014).

The importance of transportation cannot be understated, and obtaining even the most basic essentials of existence would be challenging without it. On-street parking is a significant issue that contributes to the chaos of the traffic situation in Nigerian cities, particularly in Lagos State and its surroundings. Cities serve as centers for commerce and industry. Every day, commodities and people are transported in and out of cities by buses, trucks, and vehicles. The layout of cities creates the possibility of rising demand for motorized travel.For people to have access to the goods and services they require, parking is essential. It is important to the city's economy. When one acknowledges that urban centers are characterized by interconnected and complex land use activities that necessitate well-planned and efficient performance of the transportation system, parking becomes a necessity (Asiyanbola&Akinpelu 2012).The administration of Lagos State has made improvements in terms of expanding the roadways surrounding the cities throughout the years, but the majority of the roads in Nigerian cities used to be small and lacked pedestrian lanes. The demand for parking spaces has risen since there is less available space in metropolitan areas, particularly in Lagos' commercial districts and on its main roadways. The issue of on-street parking and insufficient traffic control that we see today in the majority of Nigerian cities is a result of the inadequate and non-provision of parking space in most urban centers.The majority of state governments have established traffic control agencies over the years, which handle traffic management of major roads, law enforcement agencies, and traffic light installation. The management of traffic and congestion in the city is greatly aided by the dualization of all city roads, the construction of pedestrian bridges, the accessibility of traffic lights, and the employment of traffic police.

On-street parking refers to all metered and unmetered parking along the sides of the road. It involves temporarily operating a vehicle or moving a vehicle in a certain area for a different purpose, such as business needs. Because there isn't enough room for off-street parking, there is on-street parking, which is referred to as being closest to the destination. On-street parking comes in two varieties: authorized and unauthorized.The authorized on-street parking comprises media parking, bank parking, administrative parking, parking for places of worship, office parking, and parking for recreation. It is based on this background that the present study examined the parking needs and provision in Urban areas specifically in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos State, Nigeria.

    1. Statement of the Problem

Urban car parking is a big issue in both industrialized and developing nations. Following the fast increase in automobile ownership, many cities are experiencing a shortage of parking spaces due to an imbalance between the supply and demand for parking, which may be seen as the root cause of city parking issues. This mismatch is partly a result of poor land use planning and incorrect estimates of the amount of space needed in the early phases of development.There are several common parking issues, including a lack of parking spaces, exorbitant parking fees, and traffic backups caused by people looking for parking.The paper examines Parking needs and provision in Urban areas (a case study of Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos).


    1. Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to examine the parking needs and provision in Urban areas (a case study of Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos). Other objectives of the study include;

  1. To examine the effect of poor parking on the congestion of the Urban areas in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos.
  2. To determine the causes of poor parking in Urban areas of Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos State.
  3. To ascertain the relationship between parking space and incidence of accident in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos
  4. To evaluate the perception of road users (drivers and passengers) with respect to motorist’s parking behavior
    1. Research Questions

The following questions are derived from the objectives of this tudy to give it a direction;

  1. What are the effect of poor parking on the congestion of the urban areas in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos?
  2. What are the causes of poor parking in Urban areas of Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos State?
  3. Is there a relationship between parking space and incidence of accident in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos?
  4. What arethe perception of road users (drivers and passengers) with respect to motorist’s parking behavior?

Research Hypotheses

The following where hypothesized in this study;

Hypothesis One

H0:There is no significant effect of poor parking on the congestion of the urban areas in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos

H1: There is a significant effect of poor parking on the congestion of the urban areas in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos

Hypothesis Two

H0: There is no significant relationship between parking space and incidence of accident in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos

H1: There is a significant relationship between parking space and incidence of accident in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos.

    1. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to examine the parking needs and provision in Urban areas (a case study of Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos).

The findings of this study will help the government of Lagos state to know the causes of poor car packing around the city.

The findings of this study will also the transport commission in Lagos to know the strategies to take in ensuring that drivers adhere to the roles of packing space.

The findings of this study will also help the government of Lagos state to know the effect of poor car packing in the congestion of the city.

The finding of this study will also be of significance to students and researchers as it will not only fill the literature gap on the parking needs and provision in Urban areas but also will provide bases for further research in other cities in Nigeria.

    1. Scope of the Study

The Scope of this study is limited to the parking needs and provision in Urban areas specifically in Ogudu road, Ojota, Lagos State, Nigeria.

1.8 Operational of Definition

Parking: Parking is the act of stopping, disengaging, and leaving a vehicle empty.

Urban Areas: An urban area is the territory that surrounds a city. The majority of city dwellers work in non-agricultural fields. Urban regions have a high density of human constructions such as residences, commercial buildings, highways, bridges, and trains.

1.8 Limitation of the Study

Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

1.9 Organization of the Study

This research work is classified into five main sections. chapter one contains the introduction of the study, chapter two contains the literature review, chapter three contains the methodology, chapter four covers analysis of data and interpretation of result, and chapter five covers the summary, recommendations and conclusion of the study.

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