1.1 Introduction
The modern world is information oriented, thus management becomes more concerned about communication with employees. Hence communication is vital tool for effective management in an enterprise.
The need for effective communication has become paramount because most managers found it difficult to understand why efficiency is not as certain in an organization.
However, communication integrates, coordinate and synchronize organization activities. In an organization, there is need for harmonization of overall activities, this can be done through communication.
According to Koontz H. Weihrich (2008) 12th edition of management at global and entrepreneurial perspective page 22 defined communication as the process of transferring information meaningfully from one to another.
Communication is a fundamental aspect of all human interactions: through languages, humanity has recorded its history and transmit its culture from one generation to another. The ability to communicate has enable human being to build societies, organization and other social group that make for survival and social wellbeing.
Communication constitutes about 60% managers tasks. It takes the following form: directive conservation, request and instruction. The mix include not only oral and written form of one communication but gestures, positive dress and other visual signals.
Concept of Communication
Communication can mostly be facilitated through language and language is purely abstract in nature thus a well spoken language earns benefits and purpose of communication. The more an individual increases its vocabulary, the like/she visualize his words, object and phrase. Many people attach difficult meaning to gesture communication and as such it poses problem. Henry Fayol “studies unity of direction” in his 14 principles of management which means that each group of activities with the same objective must have one head and one plan. While Barnard in his popular book “the function of the executive” saw maintenance of organizational communication as top of his life of the three basic execution functions. Perhaps Bandas and Barret expressed the most eloquent when they write: It is not a secondary or derived aspect of organizational activity and it’s the best process out of which all other functions derive. With reference to the subject matter, the main purpose of this extended essay is to see the causes and effect of communication breakdown on an organization and suggest possible solutions to these problems with a view to enhancing organization efficiency.
1.2 Objective of the Essay
The objective of this extended essay constitutes the following:
1.3 Significance of the Essay
It is my sincere hope that this extended essay would be of benefit to academicians and the students of business administrative studies at all levels and member of the public who would stand to benefit from the work, especially managers, administrative officers both in the public and private sector. Again it can also be used by researchers as prelude to another research or reference material for use by entrepreneurs who may find the work useful.
Besides, it is my belief that this essay will be found useful by the enterprise and consequently other organizations which may wish to achieve their established objectives. This is because communication in both private and public undertaking be it non-profit or profit motive play a vital role in enhancing productivity due to the fact that it integrates the management functions in an organization. Since it influence action towards the welfare of organization. Indeed, communication also brings about utilization, improvement and retention of various organization manpower (labour force).
Moreso, communication is important in that, it leads, directs, motivates and create a climate in which people want to contribute to achieve organizational objectives and goals.
1.4 Scope of the Essay
The essay intends to highlight the barriers to effective communication in an organization with particular emphasis on how it affects the performance of employees, with a view to proffer lasting solutions. Though it is imperative for the writer to narrow his area of study. This is simply because the problem of communication in effectiveness of an extensive area of study.
Therefore it becomes extremely difficult for one to cover the whole range of the problem due to the:
Despite all the above constraints, I was able to lay my hands on some vital documents. I had been opportuned to speak to some personalities who gave me all the necessary information that guided me through this write -up.
1.5 Limitation of the Essay
Conflict is one disadvantage of communication. Employees may use communication to disagree and argue with each other and with management. Conflicts causes tension among employees and can halt operations, disrupt meetings and prevent task completion. Source of conflict include lack of structure, lack of transparent communication and personality differences. Organizational leaders also use communication to mediate and control conflict to lessen the effect of employee disagreement.
There are some limitations of communication:
Another example is a wall that separate persons from group, giving too little or no interaction inter-personally between public servants distracting noises and other physical characteristics of the immediate environment.
Delimitation of Communication
Effective Communication occurs when a message is completely understood by its recipient. Communication encompasses most areas of life. It is used in both business and personal relationships.
Communication is intended to inform, persuade or inspire the listener. Some advantages of effective communication are: it provides direction, clarity and purpose.
Effective communication also adds purpose to personal relationships by defining each partner’s intention and commitment.
1.6 Definition of Terms