Flooding as an environmental problem is an age-old phenomenon. Flooding is a significant rise of water level in a stream, lake, reservoir or coastal system that overflows the banks. The National Erosion and Flood Control Action Plan Committee (2010) defined flooding as a condition which exists when discharge of a river or stream cannot be accommodated within the margin of its normal channels so that waters spread over adjoining land. Also, flooding is a situation in which water from a river or from rain covers large areas of land (Macmillan, 2009). Flooding is one of the most common environmental hazard in Nigeria (Etuonovbe, 2011).There is increasing vulnerability of populations and infrastructure to flooding and flood related hazards. Although flooding is one of many hazards occurring in human environment, its effects are significant both in terms of discomfort, destruction of lives, properties and pollution. The severity of flooding has been reckoned with, by the level of damage done (Williams, 2011).Flooding not only damage property and endanger the lives of humans and animals, but have other effects as well. Floods and its effects all over the world are becoming a threat to sustainable development in human settlements (Aderogba, 2012). Nigeria is a lucky country on earth when it comes to water resources. But we must know that flooding and water disturbance in Nigeria, Africa and all over the world, are environmental challenges that need prevention to ensure sustainability (Akolokwu, 2012). Flooding is one of the major environmental crises one has to contend within the century. This is especially the case in most wetlands of the world (Bariweniet al., 2012). The reason for this is the general rise in sea level globally, due to global warming as well as the saturated nature of the wetlands in many parts of the world such as Nigeria. Floods occur on many waters periodically, these rivers overflow as a result of excess rainfall etc. Onegood thing about theriver overflows is the fact that it deposits sand; silt and debris on the surrounding landas flood waters flow into the banks. After the river water calmed and return back to its normal flow, the materialsdeposited will help increase the fertility of theland. The organic materials and minerals deposited by the river water therefore maintain the soil fertility and productivity (Abowei and Sikoki, 2010).Flooding that happened in some parts of Nigeria in 2012 including Oguta is the country’s worst in living memory (Social Action, 2012). Floods are among the most frustrating natural disasters in the universe, claiming more lives and leading to more damage of property than any other natural phenomena. In Nigeria, though not occurring in terms of claiming lives, flood displaces and affects more people than any other disaster; it also brings about more damage to properties. At least 20 per cent of the population is at risk from one form of flooding to another. Flood disaster has been hazardous to communities and institutions in Nigeria. It has destroys both the built-environment and undeveloped plan. It has taken many lives, and properties due to its occurrences. One notablecharacteristic about it is that flooding does not segregate, but treats insignificantly whosoever refuses to prepare for its occurrence (Etuonovbe, 2011). Flood disaster affects people on an yearly basis than any other form of natural disaster, a number of climatic and nonclimatic processes influence flood processes, resulting in various types of floods (Collins and Simpson, 2007). Increasing flood risk is now being seen as the most vital threat from climate change in many parts of the world (Dyson, 2002). Several studies have adduced extreme rainfall to be the major cause of flood worldwide including Nigeria (Ologunorisa and Tersoo, 2009). These studies included Gobo (2012), Babatolu (2009), FMWRRD (2011), Odekunle (2015), Fowler and Kilsby (2015) as well as Ologunorisa (2014). But other authors have pointed the features of excessive rainfall that are associated with flood frequency in Nigeria to include duration, intensity, frequency, seasonality, variability, trend and fluctuation (Ologunorisa, 2015; Ologunorisa and Diagi, 2010). Although floodingis a great distress to mostpeople, generally it can be quite beneficial. Mainly, nature benefits more from natural floods than from not having them at all. What makes natural floods a disaster is when flood waters occur in areas populated by humans and in areas of significant human development (such as Kano, Lagos etc.). Otherwise, when left in its natural state, the benefits of floods outweigh the adverse effects (Bradshaw et al., 2007). One of such benefits is enhancement in the fertility of cultivable lands, as earlier mentioned.Flooding caused soil erosion as well as sediment deposition problem downstream. Spawning grounds for fish and other wildlife habitat are often destroyed by flooding. Prolonged high flooding delay traffic and interfere with economic uses of lands. Bridges may collapse; structures within floodways damaged, and navigation and hydroelectric power are often impaired. Flooding and its effects have been a major concern to farmers, engineers, economists, among others thus, forming headlines in the world and Nigerian dailies. Flooding has a wide range of influence on the interactions between man and his social, economic environment. Similarly, the Nile River was regarded due to its annual cycle of flooding, and farming was of great significance to many early farming cultures in Egypt. Flooding, which deposits rich fertile alluvium on agricultural areas, also replenish irrigation channels. The growing increase in population, human activities, coupled with flooding in the south eastern region have increased the need to examine the effects of flooding on socio-economic activities in Oguta community.
Flooding is a wide spread phenomenon on the earth surface, which has been defined by many scholars and organizations. Flooding has caused a great setback to mankind, although these setbacks are only restricted to those areas or places of low terrain especially in the coastal regions of the world (Chorley, 2012). Doocy, Daniels, Murray and Kirsch (2013) stated that, the causes of flooding are not only by natural processes but also by human activities. Natural processes include excessive moisture through heavy rainfall, snow melt in the spring combined with rain while human activities refers to the way mankind alters the hydrological cycle of the river and drainage system, the altering of dams, deforestation, land reclamation, improper soil management and so forth. Several years back, farmers in Nigeria were experiencing seasonal flooding problems which resulted to low crop yield and low income. Flooding, which has been a perennial problem in Oguta, has caused much havocs and difficulties to the inhabitants of Oguta community, such as destruction of farmlands, destruction of buildings, lives and properties. Roads are flooded thereby making them unmotorable and so restricting the movement of people in the area; also, drastic reduction of human activities such as farming, fishing which are the major activities of the people. Flooding affects numerous aspects of man’s environment. These include his economic activities; settlements and lifestyle. Several threats to livelihoods ranging from the physical threats to social and economic threats exist, while affected persons suffer some psychological effects. Based on the aforementioned problem, the study examines the effects of flooding on the socio-economic activities of the people of Oguta.
The major aim of the study is to examine the effects of flooding on the socio-economic activities of the people of Oguta. Other specific objectives of the study include;
Hypothesis 1
H0: There is no significant adverse and beneficial effect of flooding on socio-economic activities of the people of Oguta Community.
H1: There is a significant adverse and beneficial effect of flooding on socio-economic activities of the people of Oguta Community.
Hypothesis 2
H0: There is no significant relationship between flooding and socio-economic activities of people of Oguta.
H1: There is a significant relationship between flooding and socio-economic activities of people of Oguta.
The findings would be of benefit by enabling policy makers to come up with adequate measures towards mitigating the effects of flooding in the study area and in Nigeria as a whole. This will also aid in planning and help in decision making when addressing the issues relating to flood problems and its sustainability. It will also help future scholars who will endeavor to undertake a study on the topic.
The study is restricted to the effects of flooding on the socio-economic activities of the people of Oguta.
Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview)
Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
Flood: A flood is a body of water which rises to overflow land which is not normally submerged. Flooding is generally regarded as a devastating event worldwide and has been reported as the most common environmental hazard in Nigeria.
Socioeconomics: Socioeconomics (also known as social economics) is the social science that studies how economic activity affects and is shaped by social processes. In general it analyzes how societies progress, stagnate, or regress because of their local or regional economy, or the global economy.