1.1 Introduction
While most modern electrical appliances receive their power directly from the utility grid, a growing number of everyday devices require electrical power from batteries in order to achieve greater mobility and convenience. Rechargeable batteries store electricity from the grid for later use and can be conveniently recharged when their energy has been drained. Appliances that use rechargeable batteries include everything from low-power cell phones to high-power industrial forklifts. The sales volume of such products has increased dramatically in the past decade. Hundreds of millions of these products are sold annually to businesses and consumers, with close to a billion in use in the U.S. alone.
The system used to draw energy from the grid, store it in a battery, and release it to power a device is called a battery charger system. While designers of battery charger systems often maximize the energy efficiency of their devices to ensure long operation times between charging, they often ignore how much energy is consumed in the process of converting ac electricity from the utility grid into dc electricity stored in the battery. Significant energy savings are possible by reducing the conversion losses associated with charging batteries in battery-powered products. We can achieve these savings using technology that is readily available today and employed in existing products.
In this primer, we will describe today’s standard battery charger designs and then highlight several design strategies for improving their efficiency.
The objective of this study is to construct an effective automatic battery charge for efficient and persistence power optimization.
And the review the development of battery chargers from its evolution. This project also sport light the problems associated with most battery charger and suggest possible ways of avoiding these problems.
After the construction process in complete, effective user guidelines are highlighted so as to enable users to be able to use the automatic battery charger conveniently.
The problem of power outage in the country has greatly influenced the use of battery appliance such as phone and laptops. This study will enable people to charge different batteries safely, faster and conveniently since it will operate automatically.
The following are the problem encountered during the research work.
1. TIME: The research on electrical construction is a time consuming exercise for collection of material to be used, and analysis and preparation of the components.