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 Format: MS word ::   Chapters: 1-5 ::   Pages: 27 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis,Abstract  ::   1345 people found this useful

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Water is one of the most important natural resources that need to be conserved, but the rate at which water is being wasted in both he domestic and industrial activities is quite learning however, in a bid to reduce this kind of wastage in some industries, effort has been made towards the design of a “re – circulation system” in which water that has been used is made to recycle and be used again for the production processes.

In some homes is the make use of the overhead reservoirs, there s the need to make use of electric motors for the purpose of pumping water by electric motor in to these reservoirs stop usually depends on the capacity of the reservoirs (that is the time at which water fills the reservoirs to the brim) this however, usually brings about “forced leakages” through the month of the overhead tanks or reservoirs and hence, the whole environment or surroundings will become flooded with waters. This is of course, an abnormal condition.

Moreover for this reason and others that will be mentioned later, there arises the need to develop an efficient and effective means of controlled the level at which water will be pumped in the reservoirs in house and industries in order to reduce wastage of water, loading at the environments and host of other. This a water level controller that will be a supervisory system for monitoring the level of water, which a particular reservoir can contain, needs to we designed and constructed, such that when the water reaches the level at which the probe detectors of the controller are set in the tanks, the motor automatically stopped and alarm to indicate that the volume of the water pumped is enough has to be incorporated.


1.1       MOTIVATION

Of all the existing method of water conservation ranging from the privative manual control to the use of “float” to control the pumped action of the electric motors, there has not been a complete electronic method of control. In the manual control, bring compelled to climb up to a reservoir in which water in being pumped by an electric motor, in order to determined the level of the required water and for which the motor should be stopped, be not the best way of using qualified manpower. Besides, this offers a very tedious working condition to the working personnel’s on the whole.

However; improper way of controlling the water level in the overhead tanks or reservoir is contributing to the problem of water wastage and environmental flooding which can lead to inconvenience for the people around, damage of the property and other valuable materials in homes and industries.       

Hence, the real motivation in having this supervisory unit equipment is based on its advantages of the ability to detect the presence of water at a predetermined level and then controlling of the pumping operation in basically completed electronic mode, the advantage which reduces the problems associated age which reduces the problems associated with improper way of water level centered. 



The report layout all the proceedings involve in the project from chapter one to chapter five.

  • Chapter one discusses introduction, which covers the motivation.
  • Chapter two deals with the literature review and the general knowledge of entire system .
  • Chapter three is on the system design, calculation and mode of operation.
  • Chapter four describes he constructions testing and problems encountered as well as the courses of the project.
  • Chapter five presents conclusion and the recommendation.  


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