An Office was described as a place where all the official or paper work are done or performed. But in this era of information technology, office is no longer referred to a place but it as set of function for doing office work or activity (Nwoke: 2013). An office helps us to perform different task such as collecting the data, recording them, analyzing them, presenting them in an organized and scientific way, etc. All the functions of management like planning, organizing, directing, or controlling are controlled by office which also involves paper work. Office is the brain of an organization.
Without a proper management, an organization will lack the ability to function properly (Peculiar: 2015). So, an organization needs someone to manage the organizational activities.
Management is a common process in all organized activities. Whenever there is certain number of people working together for a common goal, some kind of management becomes essential. The direct effort of a personnel toward the achievement of goals of organization is management.
Office management is known as a profession which includes the design, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of the process of work within an office or organization, in order to maintain and improve efficiency and productivity. This is concerned with the following elements:
1.2. Statement of Problem
Manual office systems always put pressure on people to be correct in all aspect of their work especially the Admin. With manual systems the level of service is dependent on individuals and this puts a requirement on management to run training continuously for staff to keep them motivated and to ensure they are following the correct procedures. It can be all too easy to accidentally switch details and end up with inconsistency in data entry or in hand written orders. This has the effect of not just causing problems with customer service but also making information inavailablefor reporting or finding trends with data discovery. Reporting and checking that data is also a problem and can be time consuming and expensive.
Other problems caused by the manual Office system are:
1.3. Objective of Study
The objectives of this study is to design a computerized Office system that will take care of the staff payroll, Account informations and receipt printing for all clients in an organization,
1.4. Significance of the study
The study will aid in reducing errors, fraud, increase speed and also aid growth in organizations if successfully implemented. Manual ways of carrying out accounting, payroll and receipt systems in organizations will be totally eliminated with this computerized system in place. The study will also serve as a guide to other student researchers who may want to conduct further research on the subject matter. Findings and recommendations from this system will aid in developing newer versions to serve optimally.
The scope of this study is centered on the design and implementation of an electronic office system that will takes care of staff payroll system, Account informationsystem, day to day expenses in an organization and Receipts system.
Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to obstruct the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint- The researcher will at the same time engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
A payroll: is a company's list or records of its employees, which is often used to refer to the total amount of money that a company pays to its employees.
A payroll system: is software which organizes and arranges all the tasks of employee payment and the filing of employee taxes.
Payslips: a note given to an employee when they have been paid, detailing the amount of pay given and the tax and insurance deducted.
Employer: a person or organization that employs people.
Employee: a person employed for wages or salary, especially at nonexecutive level.
W-4 tax form: is a form completed by an employee to indicate his or her tax situation (exemptions, status, etc.) to the employer. The W-4 form tells the employer the correct amount of tax to withhold from an employee's paycheck.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS): A United States government agency that is responsible for the collection and enforcement of taxes.
Social Security Administration (SSA): is an independent agency of the United States federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits.