Establishments like IT firm, Schools, hospitals, government secretarial, financial institutions etc. which have large numbers of customers or client received enormous amount of complains per day, and these complain has to documented and filed for access and stored for future reference. A complaint system (also known as a conflict management system, internal conflict management system, integrated conflict management system, or dispute system ) is a set of procedures used in organizations to address complaints and resolve disputes.
Compain Management System Software allows for greater Compactibility and accessibility by all personel of the system byu providing a great deal of IT solution through our web services
A Complaint Management System software is one of latest productivity enhancement tools used widely by all organizations wherever there is a need of booking of complaints via operators and analysis of complaints which are made or are pending.
Chapter one introduces the research work and the problem definition of the research, and to know the aim of this research work, research justification tells us why it is important to research on this topic, it also covers areas like scope and limitation of study which entails the boundary of this work. Definition of terms gives definition of some of the keywords to be to use in this work. Chapter layout summarize what each chapter entails.
This research work was undertaken to uncover the various problems with conventional Complaint management system. These includes;
In view of the problems mentioned above, this project is aimed at implementing a complaint management system which will exclusively:
• Receive daily complain from customer
• Allow customer to registered and obtain username and password to login into the system and lodge in their complain as well as to view previous complain
• Simultaneously update changes made to any data, item in the entire database.
• Efficiently provide a medium through which authorize personel can attend to those complain from customers from any location.
This research work “design and implementation of an interactive complaint management system for Organizations” the system will be a web-based application and will be implemented on a relational database system(MySQL). HTML(hypertext markup language), CSS(cascading style sheet) and Javascriptwill be used to design the web-user interface, PHP (hypertext preprocessor) will be used as the serve- side script language to link the interface and the database.
It can be used by any IT firm, Government secretariat, Law firm, SMEs, Health establishment, Media firms and Financial institutions like banks.To manage client complaint and improve customer relationship. This research work is limited by time constraints and unavailability of resources etc.
DATABASE: an organized collection of data that is stored in computer and can be accessed and used in various ways.
RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: it uses relation or two dimensional tables to store information.
MYSQL: it is English like database query language used for retrieving and managing data in a relational database management system, it is a query language for querying and modifying data and managing databases.
PHP: originally stood for personal homepage currently, it is known as hypertext preprocessor widely used as a general purpose server-side scripting language that was originally designed for developing dynamic web pages.
This section was put in place to explain what each chapter does, chapter one introduces the project to the reader by explaining the problems the project is supposed to solve, objective of the study and research justification is to describe to the reader the purpose and the importance of researching on this topic, research methodology is all about the method used in implementing the research work, scope and limitation describes the boundary of the research work and where the project work can be put into use.
Chapter two deals with the literature review and state-of-the-art, this chapter discusses literature review, what people have published related to this research work and their shortcoming, how this present research work can improve their shortcomings, if any.
Chapter three deals with the system design methodology I.e. collection of tools methods and practices for achieving a task, the requirement specification states the expectation of the system, and design which is the blueprint of what the system would carry out.
Chapter four has to do with the implementation, system testing strategies, target computer system requirement, software maintenance etc
Chapter five discusses the recommendations and conclusion part of the research work and how this research work can be applicable to the problem domain.