February 15, 2024.

Having a well written Curriculum Vitae is key to applying for new job vacancies in Nigeria or getting a placement in your dream workplace. As a matter of fact, your CV is what represents job seekers in a company with a vacant position.

Essentially, it is the first opportunity a job seeker has to sell him/herself. Hence, a badly written CV can hurt your chances of getting employed.

Some school of thoughts let us know that a recruiter would use about 6.25 seconds to look at a candidate’s CV before knowing whether or not they are suitable for the job or not.

For many graduates, writing a unique CV that stands out from a pool of others can be difficult. However, this article will help break it down for better understanding.

One of the most common misconceptions a lot of people believe is that a curriculum vitae is the same as a resumé. Unfortunately, this can cause more people to present the information on their CVs in the wrong way.

However, being knowledgeable about the difference can help you create a better CV to sell yourself.

 Curriculum Vitaé Vs. Resumé

The first thing you should know is that a curriculum vitaé is different from a resumé, here's how;

  • A curriculum vitaé is a detailed piece of document, in which it will contain your entire career record. However, a resumé is not as detailed and it is tailored to fit a specific role.
  • Because of how detailed a curriculum vitaé is, it can span over 2-3 pages. Whereas, a resumé is usually just a page.

For most companies in Nigeria, although they ask for a CV, they usually expect a resumé.

Resumés are easier to prepare and are more effective when deciding on prospective employees. This, however, isn't the case for many foreign countries, as they usually specify which they would prefer. Now, that you're certain about sending a CV for an application, you need to know the features.

The features of a well-written CV are important because it gives you an insight into what you should change about yours.

Important Features For Writing A CV In Nigeria

Every country has its CV writing format that should be adhered to when applying for a job and Nigeria isn't left out. So, if you're still new and thinking about creating a professional CV, then keeping these features in mind will come in handy;

  • Personal Info

The first important feature of a CV every job seeker should take into consideration is the personal details. Ideally, when your CV is presented to an employer, they immediately want to know more about you. This should be made easy for whoever is handling your CV.

Your personal details should include your name, of course, your address, phone number, and email address. Place them on your CV strategically and in legible fonts. This way, it will be easier to locate them.

A huge tip you should bear in mind is to refrain from using unprofessional email addresses. Stick to a more formal email address that depicts how serious you are about getting the job.

  • Career Objective

A career objective tells the company you're applying to that you're ready to add value to their work processes. Although your career objective can be the same for every application, altering it to fit the role you apply for is way better.

Try adding certain keywords or important aspects of the job description of your career objective. This will definitely assure your employer of your competence and dedication to the job.

  • Work History

The next important feature on a professionally written CV is your work history. Your work history can easily determine if you would get a callback.

The best way to do this is by selling yourself via your achievements. Always start with your recent job as the first and gradually descend to your first-ever position. For every job position, be sure to include bullet points of your achievements while in that position.

A good tip is tweaking your work history to match the role being applied for. This way, your prospective employer can be assured of your expertise in his line of work.

  • Educational Background

The next vital feature every employer will be interested in is your educational background. Always start with your recent educational achievements, as well as, other achievements.

A certified training program, memberships, seminars, professional courses, and awards, are also a crucial part of this section. Also, including different leadership positions held during your schooling process is essential.

N/B: Although a lot of people add in their primary school certification, it is absolutely unnecessary. Your primary school education, although important for your educational growth, is of little value to any job application.

  • Skills

This section is perfect for improving your employer's perception. Keep it short and precise, while listing out skills that are favorable to the post being applied for.

Refrain from using cliché terms like "team player," "Goal-oriented," and others. Instead, really ponder on attributes that can leave a positive impact on the company. This will further convince your employer that you're fit for the position.

  • Research/ Dissertations/ Theses

Every student in Nigeria must have spent some time, researching partial fulfillment for a specific degree. For many Masters and Ph.D. holders, the process entails a lot of research papers that might be published or unpublished.

Regardless of what the case may be, you need to include it in your CV. You might get lucky, as that might be what makes you stand out.

  • Referees

Your referees are essentially individuals that a company can call to verify your competence, skills, and experience. This information can be provided on request, however, including it on your CV makes it easier for the company to contact them. Hence, ensure you add a current phone number or email address that they can be contacted with.

It is always important to communicate with your referees periodically, as this will help you ascertain if their contact details are still valid.

Some Other Tips For You

The following are some tips you should take into consideration to create a kick-ass CV;

  • Do not put the word Curriculum Vitae at the top of your CV
  • Always include active verbs like "created" and "planned" wherever you can. This presents you as someone with an initiative
  • Include a professional email address for your contact details
  • Refrain from lying about your skills or your degree grade
  • Always include a cover letter when applying for a job
  • Always proofread your CV and cover letter to ensure it is void of grammatical errors

To Wrap It Up

Utilizing the aforementioned points assures you that your CV will surely stand out amongst others. Hence, you will definitely be one step closer to getting your dream job.

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